Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
The Bishop of Eluru is the ecclesiastical head of the diocese of Eluru and all the transactions are done under his approval. The SSC is a social service wing of the diocese of Eluru. So the hierarchy of the social service center is as follows.
The Bishop is the chairman of the SSC, Eluru. He appoints an Executive Director for directly handling the projects and an assistant director to assist the director as the SSC covers vast geographical area in Eluru. West Godavari, East Godavari and Dr Ambedkar Koneseema District.
The SSC implements various programs and the Director appoints a Project officer or Chief Coordinator/Area Coordinator to each program and advisors and resource persons. They are assisted by Animators in charge of a set of villages for the implementation of the activities. The animators are supplemented by various health workers, literacy workers and Community Based Organization leaders, volunteers as per the project requirements. They take the help of local PRI, govt. line departments and all the stake holders.