
Vision and Mission

Vision and mission of Social Service Centre

The Vision statement of any organisation speaks about its prime functions and the direction in which it is working. The Vision statement of Social Service Centre is as follows: Building people in order to build a more humane Society’. On close perusal of the statement it is quite evident that the organisation is meant for building a more humane society. In other words, the organisation is working for the people to appreciate each other individuals and realise the equality. This enables to arrive at such a society wherein every individual realises his responsibility and leads a comfortable way of life. This also means that Social Service Centre is one such NGO working for the egalitarian society without discrimination on either caste or creed. Perhaps this in background, Social Service Centre has carved out its own niche for itself as its very principle of reaching each and every person irrespective of caste or creed. In order to achieve the Vision slated for the organisation, Social Service Centre is also quite emphatic in its approach.


Goal statement is nothing but the path chosen by the organisation to realise the Vision. The Goal statement of the organisation is as follows:

Mission/ Goal:    To enable the poor and the distressed in pursuit of their human dignity through Community empowerment process. 

The key measures undertaken by the organisation were based on their focus on poor and distressed persons in the society. Since the poor and the distressed are those who need succour and proper guidance, Social Service Centre has chosen concentrating on these sections of the population so as to arrive at a social situation wherein every individual would be in a position to utilise the opportunities on equal platform.

Though the SSC is promoted by Church, in reality its principal endeavour and principles are based on service to the downtrodden in the society irrespective of caste or religion. Thus, Social Service Centre is an example in reference to unique organisations that are possible in India wherein religion or social class is not a criterion for serving the society.